Pokémon: Black & White (Season 14) Episodes in Hindi [HD]
A new land, new rivals, new challenges, and all-new Pokémon make the 14th season of the Pokémon animated series one of the most exciting ones yet! When Ash and his mother accompany Professor Oak to the distant Unova region, Ash discovers Pokémon that he’s never seen before… and that he can’t wait to catch! He may have Pikachu at his side together with new friends Iris and Cilan, but he’ll still need plenty of new Pokémon on his team if he wants to challenge Unova’s expert Gym Leaders. His quest to become a Pokémon Master just got even tougher!
Hindi Episodes HD 720p
Ash, Pikachu, Ash's mother, and Professor Oak head off for a trip to the Unova region. A strange black cloud forms overhead, and it hits Ash's Pikachu with a lightning bolt. After meeting up with Professor Juniper, Unova's lead Pokémon researcher, Ash encounters Trip, who is beginning his Pokémon League challenge with the Grass-type Pokémon Snivy, rather than the Fire-type Tepig or the Water-type Oshawott.
After the strange black cloud appears again, Pikachu's Electric moves are restored. Professor Juniper gives Ash a new Pokédex and Poké Balls so he can begin his journey in Unova. On his way, he comes across Iris and her Axew. When Team Rocket appears and tries to steal Pikachu and Axew, Ash tries to use his newly caught Pidove against Jessie and her new Woobat, though
While on their way to the first Gym, Ash and Iris realize that they are being followed by the Oshawott from Professor Juniper's lab. They find out it wants to be captured by Ash when he called it very cute. Juniper sends Ash Oshawott's Poké Ball, but Oshawott disappears before he can be recaptured. They soon come across a boy named Dan, whose father owns a resort with a sand spa
On their way to Striaton City Gym, Ash and Iris stop by in Accumula Town and find the Battle Club owned by Don George. After watching a battle between a Servine and a Dewott, Ash challenges the Dewott's owner, shortly before an intruder alarm goes off. Ash sees a Pokémon's dark shape on the security tape, and identifies it as an Umbreon. Ash and Iris help Don George capture the intruder, which turns out to be a Tepig with a rope tied around its mouth. Ash unties the rope as Don George find Meowth painted like an Umbreon as Jessie and James
Ash and Iris finally reach Striaton City, where they meet Pokémon Connoisseur Cilan at the market. He sees that Pikachu and Ash are very compatible and he invites Ash and Iris to the Striaton Gym, only for Ash to be surprised that it is a restaurant instead. Chili and Cress introduce themselves, as well, and put on a show in the restaurant until Ash becomes angry that he was tricked
Continuing from Ash's battle at the Striaton Gym, Oshawott has managed to deflect Pansage's Solarbeam with his shell. Oshawott is able to use his Razor Shell move to defeat Pansage, earning Ash the Trio Badge (with Iris unimpressed.) Elsewhere, Team Rocket finds the Dreamyard and set up a device they are instructed to by Giovanni, which soon begins to disturb a sleeping Pokémon
While having lunch on the way to the next city, Cilan discovers that all the food he prepared has been stolen. The group discovers that a Snivy has stolen the food. Ash attempts to capture it, attacking with Pikachu; though the Snivy (which is female) uses Attract, making Pikachu unable to fight her, and escapes. Ash sends out Pidove to track the Snivy down, just as Team Rocket
Ash and the gang are approached by a Darumaka, while another steals their lunch. Ash sends Oshawott to battle them, but it is defeated. Nurse Joy tells them that the Darumaka have been stealing food all over town. When the Darumaka steal from the Pokémon Center, Ash chases them. Meanwhile Team Rocket receives a briefcase from their contact
Cilan and Iris have a little match between Pansage and Axew; Pansage is told to hold back until Axew uses a powerful Dragon Rage, which keeps coming out as a "Dragon Hiccup". Elsewhere, Team Rocket is briefed on a meteor that had fallen in the Unova region, creating its current appearance. Iris tells the others how she was given Axew by an elder in her hometown
Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet up with Trip once again on the way to Nacrene City, after they stop by a Battle Club owned by another Don George. There, Ash challenges Trip to a 5-on-5 battle. Ash's Oshawott and Tepig are easily defeated by Trip's new Tranquill, and Pikachu manages to finish the job off. Trip's newly evolved Servine emerges, still able to beat Pikachu
While on their way to Nacrene City, Axew notices a strange Pokémon that Cilan reveals is the Rock Hermit Pokémon Dwebble. The Dwebble is making a new shell out of a rock, when it is attacked by three other Dwebble which steal its new rocky shell. Cilan sends out Pansage to help it, but it attacks Pansage in fear. Elsewhere, Team Rocket receives intel on their next heist: stealing information from a laboratory
On their way to Nacrene City, the gang is harassed by a group of schoolchildren with the Garbage Pokémon Trubbish. They head to a nearby Pokémon Daycare and kindergarten, where they learn from the kids' teacher Miss Daniella that the kids found the Trubbish at the garbage dump and decided to bring it back to the school. However, Miss Daniella told them that the Trubbish could not stay and brought it back to the dump
Ash meets up with Bianca, who has been sent by Professor Juniper to deliver a (very dirty) Badge Case to Ash. Just as Ash puts his Trio Badge in the case, it gets stolen by the Chinchilla Pokémon Minccino who is trying to clean it. Bianca, who wants to catch a Minccino, sends out her Pignite, the evolved form of Tepig, but it is able to dodge the Fire Pig's attacks and use a Hyper Voice to knock it out
Ash, Iris, and Cilan arrive in Nacrene City and head to the museum where the Gym is located, but it is locked. Hawes, the museum's curator, runs out, explaining that the museum is locked down because it is believed to be haunted. Cilan, however, states that he does not believe in ghosts, but Iris states it is possible. After the gang is given a tour, they are led to a sarcophagus and a death mask believed to be linked to the Mask Pokémon Yamask
After being given a short tour of the Nacrene City Museum, Lenora accepts Ash's challenge, leading him, Cilan, Iris, and Hawes down into the gym's arena. Lenora sends out her Lillipup, which Iris and Ash find cute, but Cilan reminds them that it is a Gym Battle. Ash sends out Tepig to fight Lillipup, but Lillipup uses Roar to send Tepig back and force Oshawott into the battle
Ash trains with Tepig and Oshawott at the Nacrene City Battle Club, trying to teach them more powerful moves. After successfully teaching them Flame Charge and Aqua Jet, he challenges Lenora for the Basic Badge once more. However, Lenora's Lillipup has evolved into a Herdier since the last fight. Ash sends out Tepig against Herdier, once more, and he is able to hold his own against the powerful Pokémon
While on the way to Castelia City, Ash, Iris, and Cilan rest for a while when Axew notifies the others that the Pokémon Egg Ash got earlier is about to hatch. They remove it from the container. Iris tells Axew that he will "soon be a big brother". In his excitement, Axew accidentally knocks the egg down a hill, but Pikachu catches it before it hits a rock. It soon hatches into the Molting Pokémon Scraggy
While on the way to Castelia City, Ash, Iris, and Cilan enter the Pinwheel Forest. As they walk through, Pikachu is attacked by a wild Sewaddle, the Sewing Pokémon. Ash decides to capture it, but it surrounds him with a String Shot attack and escapes. Deeper in the forest, the group comes across a large tree where they believe the Sewaddle is hiding.
On the way to Castelia City, Ash, Iris, and Cilan visit a mall where Ash finds that another Pokémon Connoisseur is testing the bond between Trainers and their Pokémon. Ash goes to see the Connoisseur, a woman named Burgundy, who falsely states that none of the Pokémon Ash has caught in Unova are compatible with him. When Cilan goes to check on Ash
After a short practice match between Scraggy and Axew, Cilan calls everyone for lunch, but Ash falls down a giant hole dug by the Sandile from the hot springs. Ash finds out that it wants to battle Pikachu. Iris decides to send Excadrill to get Ash back, but it still will not listen to her. However, Cilan realizes that their lunch has been stolen by a Ducklett. Another Ducklett soon interrupts a battle between Ash's Pikachu
Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive at the Skyarrow Bridge, which is enshrouded in a thick fog. Before crossing it, they come across a woman looking at photos of a ferry crossing in the Pokémon Center. They prepare to cross the bridge when they are attacked by a Gothitelle. Ash sends out Snivy, but she cannot defeat the stronger Pokémon, and they are all sent back to the other side
Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive in Castelia City and meet Burgh, but they all discover that the city has shut itself down. When they investigate the sewers, they discover and assisst a Venipede stuck in a pipe, which, out of fear, Poisons Ash. Later, they see a whole swarm of Venipede in the sewers, which flood the streets. Trainers with Fire Pokémon do their best to fight the swarm
Ash and the gang head back to Castelia City and meet up with Burgh in the Gym. For the first match, Burgh sends out Dwebble while Ash calls out Tepig. However, the Dwebble is too strong for Tepig and gets knocked out, so Ash replaces Tepig with Sewaddle. Despite Dwebble's strong defenses and speed, Sewaddle defeats Dwebble only to face Burgh's
Traveling with Bianca to Nimbasa City, the group comes across a wild Emolga, who, unbeknownst to them, recently tricked a group of male Patrat into giving it apples. She quickly befriends Iris's Axew, as Iris is carrying several apples for the group. Bianca falls in love with the Emolga, but Emolga does not return the affection. She tries to capture Emolga by sending out her Minccino
As Ash and friends continue on their journey accompanied by Bianca, Bianca asks Iris for a practice match against Emolga, and they begin the battle of Emolga vs Pignite. However, Emolga's Attract immobilizes Pignite quickly. Bianca recalls Pignite and sends out her Minccino next and uses Attract. Emolga counters with Attract as well canceling the effects. Mincinno uses Tickle while Emolga is supposed to use Hidden Power
While on the way to Nimbasa City, Iris notifies the others that it is going to rain. As Ash and Cilan insist to her it is bright and sunny, the sky darkens and it begins to pour. The gang rushes into the woods until they come across a large mansion. Ash knocks on the door, only for it to open by itself. Elsewhere in the mansion, Jessie, James, and Meowth watch them enter on a security system
After a practice match between Scraggy and Axew, Iris spots a Druddigan after it attacks them. Ash sends Pikachu to battle it, thinking it is wild, until its trainer, Emmy arrives. She is not sure why Druddigan is upset until Iris realizes it has a metal rope around its ankle. Iris frees Druddigan, making it happier, and Emmy asks Iris to help train her Druddigan
On the road to Nimbasa City, Ash and company come across a trainer named Stephan who challenges Ash to a battle. Stephan sends out his Blitzle while Ash sends out Oshawott. Blitzle uses Shock Wave, but Oshawott is able to block it with his Scalchop shell. Blitzle uses Flame Charge next and Oshawott counters with Aqua Jet. Oshawott prepares a Razor Shell attack until Blitzle does a Double Kick
In a practice match between Scraggy and Axew, the match is interrupted by a gust of wind followed by the appearance of a Cottonee. Cilan realizes that it is the time of year that Cottonee pair up and that this male Cottonee must be looking for a mate. While they watch it find a female Cottonee that he has fallen in love with, they watch as she attacks him because he is too weak. Scraggy steps forward, wanting to help Cottonee to become stronger and braver, but Scraggy's Scary Face sends it cowering behind a tree stump.
While Ash, Iris, Cilan, Pikachu, and Axew are asleep, they are suddenly woken up by a bright light. Ash and Iris believe it is a UFO, while Cilan insists there must be a scientific explanation. He claims to be a Science Connoisseur. When they reach town the next day, Cilan asks if there are any rumors of UFO sightings in the area, and someone overhearing the conversation directs them to Professor Ikarus
Cilan prepares lunch for the gang until Iris and Ash accidentally ruin his cooking by getting a leaf inside. He knocks over the pot in his anger, and regrets it instantly. Furiously, he tells Ash and Iris that they will have no lunch, but Iris gives them all apples. Cilan sighs and says it can't be helped, and tells them to go play somewhere else while he cooks them a new meal
After the battle with Trip, Ash decides to do some special training with Oshawott to get him to open his eyes underwater. They go to a lake, but when Ash forces Oshawott's eyes open while they are swimming, he gets upset and uses Water gun on Ash and blows him out of the lake. At their campsite, Iris is watching over the other Pokémon while they are playing a game
While on the way to Nimbasa City, the group comes across a trainer named Georgia who claims that she is a Dragon Buster and can beat any Dragon-type Pokémon. Iris challenges her, saying that she is training to be a Dragon Master. Langley sends out her Beartic, with Iris afraid, but sending out Axew to fight it. Axew is easily beaten, and Iris sends out Excadrill next
While the gang enjoys a lunch, they are interrupted by a Roggenrola landing on their lunch table. Ash decides he wants to capture it, for the energy and spunk it has, but it manages to defeat both Oshawott and Tepig. Cilan notices a strange suction cup on the back of Roggenrola, which is knocked off in the battle. At the Pokémon Center, Ash has Oshawott and Tepig taken care of when a man named Mr. Garrason
On the way to Nimbasa City, Ash and the gang encounter an Audino walking through a thick fog. They realize that something is very wrong with it. They encounter Officer Jenny with two young detectives named Doyle and Christie, who place the gang under arrest, even though they insist that they have not done anything wrong. Finally, Cilan reveals that he is the Gym Leader of the Striaton Gym
Ash and the gang visit a research lab to witness Professor Juniper and Professor Fennel revive an ancient Pokémon called Archen. They begin the revival process using Fennel's Musharna which wakes up Archen. However, it is restless and begins to attack everyone. Meanwhile Team Rocket decide to steal the Archen, along with the data for constructing a restoration machine.
Continuing their journey to Nimbasa City, Ash and the gang decide to stop in town. They notice Bianca is running around and she crashes into Ash, throwing him into the water channel. While Ash is drying his clothes, Bianca shows a poster announcing a fishing contest for which the prize is a golden fishing rod. Cilan loses control of himself, and announces that he is a Fishing connoisseur
Continuing to Nimbasa City, Ash and the gang encounter a Zorua. They are excited to see such a rare Pokémon, only to find that out it belongs to a Pokémon Trainer named Luke. He asks them to try to catch his Zorua since she is not listening to him. He introduces himself and says he likes to make movies. He explains what happened before Zorua ran off
Having arrived in Nimbasa City, Ash is excited to have his Gym battle. However, his excitement quickly fades when he finds out that he is actually in Nimbasa Town. He decides to enter the battle tournaments held in Nimbasa Town. Shortly after, Bianca comes charging, crashes into Ash, and once again, throws him in water. Luke begins filming the tournament while Bianca disrupts him in the process
The Club Battle Tournament in Nimbasa Town continues. The fifth round is Trip vs. Cilan. Trip sends out Gurdurr while Cilan sends out Dwebble. They have a hard, long battle where Gurdurr nearly smashes Dwebble's rock, but, in the end Cilan wins. The sixth round is Stephan against Bianca where Stephan wins. The seventh round is Luke vs. Scooter where Luke wins
The second round of the Club Battles at Nimbasa Town continue with Georgia battling Ash. Georgia has ordered Pawniard to use Guillotine on a fallen Snivy. Snivy manages to gain consciousness at the last second and dodge the attack once again and attack using Leaf Blade. Pawniard is now stuck in the ground. She attacks using Leaf Storm, defeating Pawniard and giving Ash the win of the first match
The first match of the semi-finals ends with Ash winning. The last match of the semi-finals is Luke against Iris. Luke calls out Golett while Iris chooses Axew. Iris starts off with Scratch but it has no effect. Golett uses Mega Punch and lands a direct hit. Axew uses Dragon Rage but Golett counters with Double Team and uses Gyro Ball in the process. Golett lands another direct hit. Axew responds with Dragon Rage and Golett counters with Shadow Ball and the attacks cancel. Golett then uses Gyro Ball and starts to chase Axew. When Axew falls from exhaustion
Stopping on their way to Nimbasa City for a lunch break, Axew and Tepig discover Team Rocket's Meowth unconscious in the bushes. The gang revives him back to health. When he wakes up, he discovers that the gang has revived him and he explains that Team Rocket has fired him for botching an operation. They decide to take Meowth along for a while. Continuing their journey, Meowth sweet talks Ash and Iris but Pikachu
A Purrloin decides to aggravate a Tranquill by eating its food but soon, a flock of them causes her to run away with them giving chase. As Ash and the gang continue their journey, they encounter that Purrloin, and Meowth immediately falls for her. Immediately following, is the flock of Tranquill which immediately start using Gust on the group. Ash calls out Oshawott and asks it to use Water Gun and Pikachu to use Thunderbolt
Continuing their journey, Ash and the gang stop to have dinner. While Meowth goes to collect firewood, a very strange person proclaims that he is going to capture Meowth and Pikachu and sends a Beeheyem to help collect firewood and befriend the gang. It claims it can grant any wish. Cilan reveals that he wanted to cook something spicy for the night's meal, but he has the wrong berries
On a thundery evening, some Beartic have taken cover in a cave, being too frightened to go to sleep. One of the Beartic loses its child Cubchoo when it falls off of a cliff into the forest below. Ash and the gang are continuing their journey when they come across a sick Cubchoo, realizing how badly damaged the forest is. They come across a Beartic that starts to attack them. Soon they find many of them that are angry
Pokémon: Black & White (Season 14) Episodes in Hindi [HD]
Reviewed by Unknown

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