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Star Wars Rebels Episodes in Hindi [HD]

Fourteen years after the fall of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith[8] and the rise of the Galactic Empire, a motley group of rebels unite aboard a freighter starship called the Ghost, and conduct operations against the Imperial garrison on and around the planet Lothal.

Hindi Episodes 

Episode 01 - Spark of Rebellion
Ezra Bridger is an orphan on Lothal, an Outer Rim world. He interferes with the theft of blaster rifles from the Empire by Ghost crew members Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren and Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios . Ezra ends up stuck with the crew while making their getaway and also meets Captain Hera Syndulla and C1 astromech droid Chopper. Ezra finds a lightsaber and a holocron in Kanan's room and steals the holocron

Episode 02 - Droids in Distress
The Ghost crew steal a shipment of disruptor weapons from Minister Maketh Tua to sell to Vizago, accidentally bringing the Imperially serviced droids C-3PO and R2-D2 with them in the process. Zeb objects to the mission since the same weapons were used to nearly wipe out his species, the Lasats. On the Ghost Hera is annoyed Kanan has not yet started Ezra's Jedi training

Episode 03 - Fighter Flight
On the Ghost Chopper ends up causing a fight between Ezra and Zeb so Hera sends them out on a supply run together to keep them from bickering with each other, specifying that they do not return without a rare meiloorun fruit. The two find that the market's sole supply of meilooruns has been purchased by the Empire

Episode 04 - Rise of the Old Masters
Ezra has started his Jedi training but struggles with the basics whilst Kanan also struggles in his new role as a Master. The rebels discover an underground transmission by Senator Gall Trayvis reporting that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli has survived Order 66 and is being held in a high-security Imperial prison on Stygeon Prime

Episode 05 - Breaking Ranks
Ezra goes undercover as an Imperial Academy cadet to help foil a shipment of kyber crystals. Thanks to his training Ezra quickly proves the most capable student in the class. During his operation, he befriends fellow cadets Zare Leonis and Jai Kell, the former of whom has similarly infiltrated the academy in search of his missing sister Dhara

Episode 06 - Out of Darkness
Choppers antics cause Ezra and Zeb to forget to carry out an important repair on Hera's second ship, the Phantom. Hera and Sabine set out to an abandoned Republic asteroid base to retrieve supplies provided by Fulcrum, an anonymous informant whom Hera has been in contact with. Sabine voices her displeasure towards Hera's secrecy about their mission

Episode 07 - Empire Day
Kanan tries to teach Ezra how to use the Force to make a connection to other living creatures. The rebels destroy the Empires new prototype TIE Fighter during a parade celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Empire's creation. Ezra, who was born on the same day, is preoccupied with his feelings towards his missing parents and opts out of the mission.

Episode 08 - Gathering Forces
Learning that Tseebo failed to save his parents from being abducted by the Empire, Ezra lashes out at Tseebo for betraying his parents' trust. Amidst the chase, the Imperials manage to attach a homing beacon on the hull of the Phantom, which Kanan opts to detach from the Ghost in hyperspace with himself and Ezra on board to mislead the Imperials.

Episode 09 - Path of the Jedi
Concerned with Ezra's previous display of the dark side against the Inquisitor, Kanan brings him to a hidden Jedi Temple on Lothal to be tested for his readiness in Jedi training. Whilst Kanan stays behind Ezra makes his way through the temple alone and is faced with a series of visions showing the Inquisitor killing Kanan and the rest of the Ghost crew.

Episode 10 - Idiot's Array
Zeb bets and loses Chopper to smuggler Lando Calrissian in a game of Sabacc, forcing the Ghost crew to assist Lando with a dangerous smuggling run to get their droid back. However, during the smuggling run Lando trades Hera to crime lord Azmorigan in exchange for a puffer pig which can detect precious minerals for mining purposes, leaving Hera to escape in an escape pod

Episode 11 - Vision of Hope
During lightsaber practice Ezra has a fragmented vision of meeting Gall Trayvis, an exiled Imperial senator and rebel sympathizer, and assumes that Trayvis knows about his parents. The rebels receive a transmission from Trayvis notifying them of a secret rally on Lothal, but Ezra receives a tip from Zare Leonis that Kallus is planning to use the senator to lure the rebels into a trap.

Episode 12 - Call to Action
Grand Moff Tarkin visits Lothal to deal with the Rebels. In light of discovering that Trayvis is actually an Imperial spy, the rebels debate broadcasting a message to the nearby star systems about their cause. Ezra adamantly supports the idea, since his parents had broadcast secret messages from their basement for years. Kanan decides to invade the main Imperial communications tower on Lothal. 

Episode 13 - Rebel Resolve
After failing to find where Kanan is being detained, Hera is urged by Fulcrum to put the crew of the Ghost into hiding. Against Hera's orders to leave Kanan, Ezra devises a plan to rescue him. He strikes a deal with Vizago for an unspecified favour in the future and learns that due to the destruction of the Imperial communications tower the Empire is forced to send all its messages via courier droids

Episode 14 - Fire Across the Galaxy
The crew of the Ghost seize an Imperial Gozanti-Class Cruiser transport[20] and use a Sabine-repainted TIE fighter that Zeb and Ezra had previously stolen to infiltrate and disable Tarkin's star destroyer in the Mustafar system. Ezra frees Kanan using the duct system while Hera, Sabine and Zeb attempt to secure an escape route. Ambushed in the engine room, Ezra and Kanan face the Inquisitor in a final lightsaber duel. Kanan, believing Ezra to have been killed, resolves to never give up and succeeds in destroying the Inquisitor's lightsaber and rupturing the ship's engine

Star Wars Rebels Episodes in Hindi [HD] Reviewed by Unknown on 01:28:00 Rating: 5

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